Monday, June 21, 2010

June 12 will forever live...

June 12, 2oo5, 60+ cyclists departed the Golden Gate Bridge on there way to Washington, D.C. During that journey, six guys became best friends. Exactly 5 years later to the day, one of those guys got married and a true southern hitchin party ensued. Thank you to the Hines/Morris families for such an awesome weekend in Georgia.

The events started as Eric and I landed in Atlanta at about 1am on Thursday only to begin JOH reunion tradition.....whiskey. It was great to see Joe and catch up over a few cocktails. We got so carried away, morning reared her pretty face before we could call it quits......just a prelude to what the weekend was going to entail.

In typical wedding fashion, we arrived at the rehearsal dinner reserved and behaved. Silence overcame the wedding party as we took orders and followed directions, but in typical Papa Bear Hines fashion, it did not take long for the southern hospitality to bleed through and the champagne of beers began to flow--I truly think Miller runs a distributor out the back of the Hines Astro Van because there was never a shortage.

I don't want to take away from the meaningful event that brought us all together. Katie and Joe were great and are two of the greatest folks I can call my friends. I was honored to be a part of their special occasion..........but HOLY PARTY!!!!!

By the end of the weekend, my phone was trashed, Joe's dad drank sister's contacts (don't ask how), I had a sparkler burn in my tux, shaky face took over the south, dancing was the new breathing, Knotts' phone was on a Caribbean vacation and I added a slew of great folks to call my family! I hope you enjoyed the pics and if you're patient, there is a surprise at the end.


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