Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A run for the ages!

As some of you know, on October 31 of this year, Jason Dorn and I completed the Marine Corps Marathon for Push America. We competed in an effort to prove the abilities of all people and that an individual with a disability has the same opportunities as anyone else. As part of our efforts, we committed to raising $3,000 for Push America. Well, with much support, we were able to raise over $8,000. I know I speak for both of us when I say, we are truly humbled by all of the support. The commitment to helping us in our efforts is a true display of compassion and mutual support for a cause we value dearly. Words cannot describe the emotion felt as I look over the list of donors on our behalf. Some don’t know personally and others, I haven’t seen in many years. However, there was no hesitation to help us achieve our goal. And for that, we are forever grateful. Without it, it would not have been possible.

Jason and I completed the race in 5:21 and some change. While we were on the course a little longer than I expected, we had a blast the entire way and were encouraged by so many people. Jason never hesitated to cheer on other runners and express his equal frustration for the difficult section (“The Bridge”). I promise you, Jason was the heart and sole of our team and the fuel my legs needed. My favorite part of the whole event was at dinner the night after the race. As we were eating dinner, a fellow runner began to cramp up at the table.

While in agony as everyone laughed, he responded with, “leave me alone, I just ran a marathon!”

Without missing a beat, Jason responded with… ”ME TOO!!!!!”

Not one person in that room will ever forget those words because it was proof that no disability can get in the way of the human spirit.

So on this holiday season, rest assured that the money raised through Push America programming makes a difference in so many lives; that the support not only enabled Jason and me to run, but impacted all those that saw Jason run! 5:21 may have been a little slow, but that only means Jason and I have something to shoot for next year.

Thank you to everyone for the outpouring of support. All the glory truly goes to God!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Long time coming....

There are some things in life that just bring you back to the memories of your childhood. Well for me, it's memories of my dad driving us to Dairy Queen after dinner for Blizzards just before a big storm rolls in and just in time to catch the Ranger game on channel 27 (KDFI if I remember correctly). You see, the Rangers never were all that good and battled air time with Fresh Prince, Martin and Cops.

So when Nolan Ryan turned our world around, you know I had to come to a game. Luckily I got to spend game 1 of the ALCS with my pops. We even got a couple Blizzards on the way to the game.....that's actually a lie, but would have been tasty. Enjoy the pics.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Carolina...one day I'll...some day I'll come home

I believe the Avett Brothers said it best in one of my all time favorite songs, "Salina." And they were correct, you can leave Carolina....but you will return.

We have come full circle and I am now an employee of Push America once again and could not be more blessed. I am doing what I love and am truly thankful. The past year and a half was one great year and I wish everyone had the chance to see the country the way I did. One for the record books.

In the midst of moving, I did manage to cram in a few list items and I would like to share.

First, St. Mary's Glacier with Hazel
Hazel was passing through and we shot up to the mountains to hike around the glacier and take a dip in some refreshing glacier melt. You will notice me dipping my head into a comforting little stream. What you can't see is that it is about 5 feet from the mouth of the glacier. Therefore, water temp is in the 30s I would estimate. Luckily the lake was quite a bit warmer....maybe 45-50 if I had to guess. Good times.Second, Great Sand Dunes with KnottsEric and I made a quick trip down to the dunes for one last bro-mantic weekend before I made the trip east. It is hard to tell but the dunes rise 500 feet from the base to the summit. Climbing 500 feet of sand is no easy task. But, what we experienced in difficulty was met with equal amazement. It is hard to believe something like that exists in Colorado. It is truly a bucket list item.Third, marathon training in the mountains with Dave and the BaconsWe ventured up to one of my favorite spots for a weekend of hill training for our upcoming marathon. 13ish miles on the Blue Ridge Parkway is something everyone should get the chance to do. We rewarded ourselves with some quality camp food and a trip to Asheville for some celtic music and Staci's first Guiness.Finally, Cameron still knows how to wakeboard...check out this video.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Jason's Marathon

This October, I am competing in the Marine Corps Marathon for the third year in a row. However, this competition is not mine; it is Jason's. I met Jason during the summer of 2005 when I was a cyclist on the Journey of Hope--a cross country bike trip to raise funds and awareness for people with disabilities. While Jason lives with cerebral palsy, it doesn't keep him from being active.

Jason and I are running the marathon together and have committed to raising $3,000 for Push America. This is Jason's first marathon. I will be pushing him through the course, but his heart and mind will provide the energy we need to finish. Currently, we have raised just over $2,100 and are asking everyone for their support. So please watch the following video and consider making a tax-deductible donation on our behalf to Push America at http://secure.pushamerica.org/kylethomas. Thank you!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lost in Utah

There is nothing like a good road trip and I have been fortunate to have some great ones. Jeff and I, in particular, always seem to get ourselves in interesting situations. Over the last two years, the list is as follows:

1) Icy bushwaking adventure in North Carolina wilderness (hitchhiking was involved)
2) South Carolina paddling
3) Lost in Rocky Mountain National Park (snow covered the trail) w/ June sledding
4) October kayak sledding on Loveland Pass
5) Snow cave construction at 12,000 ft.

Well, we recently added another.....river hiking in Zion, Utah with a touch of precarious off-roading between Ouray and Silverton, Colorado. Unfortunately, there are no pictures of the off-roading because at the time, we were not exactly excited to be in that situation--totally on accident.

Anyways, Jeff was driving from California to North Carolina. I thought I would hop in for the Vegas to Denver leg. We did it in one weekend covering quite a bit of ground. We stopped in Telluride to visit an old friend, we won $20 in a casino and made it back to Denver at 3am on Sunday just in time to get me to work on Monday. Below, are a few images and video from our activities.

Monday, June 21, 2010

June 12 will forever live...

June 12, 2oo5, 60+ cyclists departed the Golden Gate Bridge on there way to Washington, D.C. During that journey, six guys became best friends. Exactly 5 years later to the day, one of those guys got married and a true southern hitchin party ensued. Thank you to the Hines/Morris families for such an awesome weekend in Georgia.

The events started as Eric and I landed in Atlanta at about 1am on Thursday only to begin JOH reunion tradition.....whiskey. It was great to see Joe and catch up over a few cocktails. We got so carried away, morning reared her pretty face before we could call it quits......just a prelude to what the weekend was going to entail.

In typical wedding fashion, we arrived at the rehearsal dinner reserved and behaved. Silence overcame the wedding party as we took orders and followed directions, but in typical Papa Bear Hines fashion, it did not take long for the southern hospitality to bleed through and the champagne of beers began to flow--I truly think Miller runs a distributor out the back of the Hines Astro Van because there was never a shortage.

I don't want to take away from the meaningful event that brought us all together. Katie and Joe were great and are two of the greatest folks I can call my friends. I was honored to be a part of their special occasion..........but HOLY PARTY!!!!!

By the end of the weekend, my phone was trashed, Joe's dad drank sister's contacts (don't ask how), I had a sparkler burn in my tux, shaky face took over the south, dancing was the new breathing, Knotts' phone was on a Caribbean vacation and I added a slew of great folks to call my family! I hope you enjoyed the pics and if you're patient, there is a surprise at the end.