Monday, August 1, 2011

Thought I left didn't ya......

I'm not going to bore you with the reasons why this blog has not been updated since December covering an October event. All I will say is I'm back and have one hell of a year! I am going to do my best to provide you with stories and adventures of the last 9 months....

Following the 2010 Marine Corps Marathon, Andy, Dave and I explored the world of underground kayak racing. Occurring the first weekend of every November is the Green River Race in which thousands of people gather in a very remote corner of North Carolina to watch competitors (myself not included) run one of the sketchier whitewater runs in the country...the Green River Narrows. Other than the sheer danger associated with such an endeavor, what makes this event so cool is the fact spectators hike miles into the wilderness to see this. Upon our arrival, we discovered folks were cooking hot dogs on camp stoves and selling them for $1, there was no a shortage of moonshine and you would think the event was sponsored by Carhartt and the inventors of flannel. Looking forward to this November!

Santa came and he brought presents.....

Happy New Year!!!!

If you know me well, you are well aware that sometimes I like to step outside the box and do things a little outside of the ordinary. How about a polar bear plunge??? Before I discuss this event in more detail, let me go super hippie on you for a sec. I have found that there are not many things I like more than a freezing plunge into a cold river. And I promise this is not a manly, "look how strong I am" contest. This is about the benefits it brings. If you have not experienced this to its fullest, please try it out. WARNING: do not go right into ice water. Build your tolerance. While the initial shock of the freezing water is in fact painful, the alertness and clarity following is what its all about. Please try it....maybe start with a cold bath in your tub.

Anyways....I have discovered over time that there is no amount of cold that will prevent me from testing the limits of a cold river. Enjoy the photos from our snow camping adventure.

I'm 28 now.....

Busy at work...

Even more busy at work.....

Hopefully you (family and friends) know by now that work for a nonprofit organization that serves people with disabilities. If you didn't know that.....welcome to my blog....and life. Well, the summer is the busiest time of our year and is when we venture out to different parts of the country to launch/manage many of our programs.

In early June, I set sail for Seattle and the Cascades of Washington to help kick off Journey of Hope (cross country cycling trip raising over $600,000 for Push America). Touch gig, right? Well after leaving Seattle, I found myself at the base of Mt. Rainier. Words can not describe this mountain. The surrounding peaks top out at about 7,000 ft. Rainier towers to 14,000 plus.

Oh yeah......HLP done got married!

After a brief week back in Charlotte to wrap up planning for Build America, I was on the road again. Yes, another road trip to Colorado. I thought I was done making that drive. WRONG!

This year's Build America team kicked of from the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Probably one of my proudest moments in Push America history was seeing this team of 16 men, who had all raised over $3,500 to be there, summit Mt. Bierstadt (14,062 ft) as part of orientation team building. Watching these guys come together as a team, make it up and down safely was a really cool thing and one of the many reasons I have the best job in the world!

After orientation was the No Barriers Summit. Imagine the top athletes with disabilities from all over the world gathered in one location to participate in adventure sports, try out new technology and learn their true abilities. Being a part of the summit was truly and honor and inspiring event to see. The following pictures are proof that no disability stands in the way of what is possible!CONCLUSION
To wrap this all up, I want to share with you a video that was created about Jason Dorn and myself and our efforts to show the world the abilities of all people. Jason and I rant the Marine Corps Marathon together and are planning to do it again. The following video is a quick look at our story. Jason is one amazing dude and I am blessed to have met him. I hope you enjoy.

Why I Run from La Storia on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. i can't even LOOK at that picture of you in the ice water. but like the update.
