Jason and I completed the race in 5:21 and some change. While we were on the course a little longer than I expected, we had a blast the entire way and were encouraged by so many people. Jason never hesitated to cheer on other runners and express his equal frustration for the difficult section (“The Bridge”). I promise you, Jason was the heart and sole of our team and the fuel my legs needed. My favorite part of the whole event was at dinner the night after the race. As we were eating dinner, a fellow runner began to cramp up at the table.
While in agony as everyone laughed, he responded with, “leave me alone, I just ran a marathon!”
Without missing a beat, Jason responded with… ”ME TOO!!!!!”
Not one person in that room will ever forget those words because it was proof that no disability can get in the way of the human spirit.
So on this holiday season, rest assured that the money raised through Push America programming makes a difference in so many lives; that the support not only enabled Jason and me to run, but impacted all those that saw Jason run! 5:21 may have been a little slow, but that only means Jason and I have something to shoot for next year.
Thank you to everyone for the outpouring of support. All the glory truly goes to God!

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