In the process of trying to establish a life here in Colorado, I have been blessed enough to have great friends who have kindly put a roof over my head. The Wilbourn bunch have been especially nice--one week in the cabin and my current residence at Tim's place (I think I am wearing out my welcome). A week of my time was spent in Fort Collins with Eric Knotts, one of my best buds from Journey of Hope. It was both incredibly amazing and unfortunately disastrous spending time with Knotss. In one week, activities included trail running, biking, two rounds of golf, a great hike and a dip in the river. However, it also included a lot of beer and my liver paid the price. All in all a great week.

In other news, I got my first speeding ticket in six years. What sucks about it is that I pride myself on not speeding because tickets are not worth the rush, but I got caught at one of those 35 mph meets 65 mph. It didn't help that my plates are still North Carolina. Homeboy popo from podunk Kremmling, CO didn't take too kindly to having a foreigner in his neck of the woods. The bright side of the whole deal was the view.

Hope all is well, God bless.
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