As of 8:00am this morning (October 29, 2009), it has been snowing consistently for 36 hours. According to our measurement on the patio table, we think we are around 18 inches of snow. Apparently, this is the largest snow storm to hit Denver in nearly 16 years. Adam, Blue and I tried to play in it yesterday, but it was too deep and too soft to go kayak sledding. Check out the pics and video.
As we all know, hate has become a daily observation in our lives. The wars in the Middle East, drug lords in Mexico and the myriad of troubles in Africa; hate is all around us. Personally, I blame a lot of the perception of hatred on the media, but that is neither here nor there.
Fortunately, with the rise of the tough times comes the rise of leaders who won't stand for such heartache. And I'm not talking about political leaders (don't get me started on this), I'm talking about the ordinary people like you and I who aren't satisfied with the status quo and who do what they can to make a difference in our world.
Two of my favorite things are sports and music. No matter how bad things get, both sports and music bring me peace. I also find a lot of satisfaction in knowing that the only two things that everyone on the planet have in common are sports and music.
Lance Armstrong tweeted a music video today that linked to a Web site called Playing for Change and the following videos are from that site. It is truly remarkable and admirable what these folks are doing. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.
This past weekend, Jeff was kind enough to spend a couple days in Denver as he passed through from the Vitters family reunion in South Dakota. For those who are unaware, Jeff is a good friend from Charlotte and one that shares the same appreciation for random, unplanned adventures.
The following videos and images are from our snow kayaking adventure in the Rockies. You may notice, we decided to bring along another friend we picked up at a local Mexican yard sale. On that day, his name was Boomer. Considering Oklahoma's devastating loss to Miami on that particular day, I am currently taking recommendations for new names. Comments welcome.
Video 1: Before every adventure day, it is required to get pumped up. I can think of no better way than a Paper Planes dance off in the car. Enjoy
Video 2: You see, sometimes when you hang out with someone long enough, you start to learn interesting things about their personality. This particular video demonstrates Jeff's ability to scream as if he was an 8-year-old girl on a roller coaster for the first time. I apologize for my zoomed in commentary.
Video 3: I thought it would be a bright idea to hand the camera over to this guy from Holland that was visiting. You will see why I made such a decision upon watching the video. You will also see that my plan completely backfired as I now have a giant welt on my shin.
One thing to keep in mind when viewing all of this is the image of two guys parking at a very popular mountain pass (Loveland Pass) in Colorado and proceed to unload a kayak (no rivers anywhere around), ropes, helmets and a giant stuffed dog. Before hiking to our sledding paradise, we were the talk of Loveland Pass and staged our adventure with an audience of nearly 50 onlookers. That's just how we roll. Game on.